ITE-nin beynəlxalq əməkdaşlığı Koreya mətbuatında işıqlandırılıb.

Innovative Technologies in Education Additional Education Center (ITE) in the Korean press!

The cooperation of the Center for Additional Education of Innovative Technologies in Education (ITE) with South Korea's leading university specializing in the entrepreneurial university model, Hanbat National University, has been covered in the Korean press.

In the article about the steps taken on entrepreneurship and technology commercialization in Azerbaijan, special attention was paid to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions on October 29 this year by Isa Gasimov, director of the Additional Education Center for Innovative Technologies in Education, and Jong-in Choi, vice president of the Industry-University Cooperation Fund of Hanbat National University. .

It was emphasized in the information that the cooperation between the two countries based on science and technology has been successfully continued.

It should be noted that the memorandum signed between the Additional Education Center for Innovative Technologies in Education and Hanbat National University envisages cooperation in the direction of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Azerbaijan, including the development of entrepreneurship. For this purpose, the main subject of the agreement is the preparation of new content plans for the development of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills based on the Korean experience, as well as the possibility of application in educational institutions operating in Azerbaijan.


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